Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 1

Saturday, January 1st was day 1. I got to meet some of the other people on the triathlon team (and hopefully I'll meet more of them tonight) and we did a fairly short run. I was a little nervous about the run considering the problems I've had with shin splints and tendinitis in the past, but excited to finally get started with my training, something I've been looking forward to since I decided I was going to do this last summer. I was disappointed to hear that only a few other people are going to the Texas Triathlon that I am, but its great to train in a group.

To my surprise, as we started jogging down the street I found myself at the front of the group with my boot camp instructor, Jenny (also a coach) and a girl named Erin who's been running since high school. I was like, hello, I haven't run since MIDDLE SCHOOL, what am I doing here and why aren't those people behind me catching up?! Well, it turns out maybe I'm just faster than they are? Haha! I guess we'll find out as time goes on. Unfortunately, I was only able to keep up the momentum for about 3/4 of the run before my body started asking me to slow down so I took the chance to talk to my mentor for a few minutes and chat with a few other coaches as well. Two days later and my hips are a little sore but YAY! no shin splints! That 3rd pair of new shoes I bought must have done the trick!

Tonight is our first "swim clinic." Now, as someone that was in the water before her 1st birthday and swam competitively for 13 years, this does not sound at all interesting to me. Learn how to float on my back? I think I'm good there! Either way, I will go and try to take the time to get acclimated to pool water again. I look forward to when we start actually swimming laps, though I am not sure any of these practices will be nearly as hard as the ones I had in high school. I will try to write a detailed post about how this swim clinic goes later this week. Until then, adios!

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